Far-Left Sites Owned By Univision Urges US Companies to Break Law and Employ Illegals

 by Cassandra Fairbanks 95 Comments

A far-left website owned by Univision is calling on US corporations to defy federal laws and keep DACA recipients employed once their work permits expire.


In a piece entitled, ‘What DACA Recipients Really Need Is for Their Bosses to Break the Law,’ published on Univision’s pet project Splinter, Jorge Rivas called for companies to engage in a massive civil disobedience against enforcing America’s borders.

Rivas wrote that “if young, undocumented immigrants can put their livelihoods on the line and practice civil disobedience, then corporations who have reaped the benefits of their bravery—and who have far more power, money and legal resources than DACA recipients—can do it, too.”

“If many corporations big and small stand up and do this, that’s how social change is created,” Bill Ong Hing, an immigration law professor at the University of San Francisco, was quoted as saying.

Even companies that have issued statements in support of DACA were not spared from being called out by the outlet.

“These statements are nice things to say, and that’s about it. They’re nothing more than symbolic declarations. Virtually none of these companies are promising to stick their necks out in a meaningful way for their undocumented workers,” Rivas wrote.

The author noted that AirBnb, who has been barring people from using their service for holding right wing political beliefs, was the first to vow to break the law concerning illegal immigrants.

Is this unprompted email real, @AirbnbHelp? I spend thousands of dollars on Airbnb and have a perfect rating with zero complaints.

Is this because of my politics? Are you doxing customers?

Where the hell is this coming from, @Airbnb? Is this a scam? pic.twitter.com/WquWFibU1D

— Ali 👑 (@ali) December 2, 2017

It looks like @AirbnbHelp has identified me, is aware of my Twitter presence and responded to one of my followers while *taking me out of the reply thread.* I’m being targeted, specifically, by @Airbnb. #Airbnb pic.twitter.com/3nQf5pGTgs

— Ali 👑 (@ali) December 2, 2017

“So far only one company, Airbnb, has publicly pledged to defy federal laws and keep DACA recipients employed once their work permits expire. Airbnb confirmed the policy, first reported by The Guardian, but a spokesperson declined to say how many DACA recipients the company employed,” Rivas wrote.

Splinter was formerly known as Fusion. Prior to the rebranding, editor-in-chief Dodai Stewart said in a press release that “Splinter will contextualize current events while remaining committed to amplifying underrepresented voices, shining a light on systemic inequality, and skewering politicians when necessary.”

In November, the outlet also ran a piece entitled “BAN ICE,” which referred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement as “loathsome” and “rotten to the core.” The article didn’t just stop at calling for the one agency to be abolished — they also took aim at Border Patrol, calling for an end to protecting our borders at all.

“In a just world, ICE’s abolition would be accompanied by a program of amnesty for all undocumented immigrants and a promise that everyone who comes to this country can immediately begin a path to legal status. This is not a radical solution,” the Splinter article asserted